Connecting people and companies with the right journey.

We see working life as a train ride, in which every company is an exciting destination that offers growth and opportunities, we work every day to bring them together on this path.

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Your personal assistant in the search for your ideal job.

  • Robin learns your skills and experience at your own pace.
  • It improves by understanding the job offers you accept or reject, tailoring future recommendations.
  • The more Robin knows about your preferences, the better opportunities it presents.
  • Robin never stops searching, ensuring you always get the best job opportunities, even when you're not actively looking.

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Our fuel is to help people find their ultimate dream job

>> YOBOSS for companies <<

We search for the right people for your company, individuals who not only align with your purpose and vision but also maximize their talents to promote collective growth—both individually and organizationally.

Start creating and transforming your team with us

We use technology to transform

companies where everyone can prosper.


It’s an app designed to revolutionize how  we recognize and value team contributions. Unlike typical "good work," RADs! makes recognition tangible and meaningful.
  • Promote a positive culture
  • Improve team engagement 
  • Increase staff retention 
  • Meet your company’s silent heroes 
  • Award unbiased rewards

Measure culture, collaboration and recognition within your company.

Through the dashboard you can know the interaction within your company as: the total of RADs! given and received per person, main reasons why your team recognizes itself, emotional impact on the team, make decisions to recognize people based on real data from the team.

Together, we can create a future of work

where people are in control of their own career path.

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